Supported by West Winds Community Centre & Kingborough Council.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Strength and Flexibility

Today was the third strength and flexibility class out of six that is being taken by Andy Gibbons - Posture and Stretch Therapist (as well as alot of other things) from Hobart. With a focus on mobility and being strong and flexible at the same time. It is easier for some than others but worthwhile, rewarding and you feel taller for the rest of the day.

(Lizz loves it much more than rope climbs).

Outdoor workout

AMRAP - 20mins
5 divebomber pushups
10 sdhp
15 mountain climbers
20 kb o'head lunges

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to see Lizz back at the gym again after a long sabatical on The Gold Coast following her terrible accident with the plastic surgeons knife - oops! She really lifted the whole mood and vibe at the gym as we are so used to seeing Lizz on the catwalks in Milan and Paris. Thanks for taking the time out from your jetsetting and glamorous life to reacquaint yourself with us humble Woodbridge gals
