Supported by West Winds Community Centre & Kingborough Council.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Frosty Morn.

Good job Claire for coming from Eggs and Bacon Bay this morning in the frost.

Deadlift play around

10 min AMRAP

10 Pushups (hands release)
10 Box Jumps
10 KB Swings

5  min Move as much weight as possible.

Deadlift - choose your own weight.
Phil - 60 kg x 80 = 4800 kg
Dan - 40 kg x 130 = 5200 kg
Claire - 20 kg x 50 = 1000 kg
Albe - 40 kg x 60 - 2400 kg

NO CLASS ON THURS 6.15 am this week.

Off to Bruny!!

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